
By Primitive Spark
A view of Connect, showing ideas for connecting with family.

We are humbled and grateful for your kind feedback about Connect, our holiday piece!

Here are some of the things we’ve heard from you:

“Thank you for sharing this is such a thoughtful idea! I can’t wait to try a few of them out in practice, especially with my daughter.”
“I love Connect, I go back to it all the time for ideas.”
“What a wonderful idea and so well timed!”
“Your holiday greetings are always interesting and uplifting—thanks!”
“What a fun way to celebrate the holidays!”

If you haven’t explored Connect yet for yourself, check it out here:

Let us know what you think about it!

#Connection #Values #ConnectWithPurpose #MeaningfulConnections #ux #digitalart #digitalproductdesign #productdesign #primitivespark